
Seeking Research Participants: Was the Journey Worth It? Parental Sacrifice in South Asian Immigrant Families

This research is being conducted by Dr. Susan Chuang and Bibina Mathew from the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition at the University of Guelph. This research will contribute to a final thesis project.

We are currently recruiting South Asian Canadian high school and university students, ages 13 to 25, with at least one parent who voluntarily immigrated to Canada from a South Asian country to complete an anonymous 20 – 30 minute survey. All those who complete the survey will have a 1 in 3 chance of winning a cash prize of $25. 

New CIRCLE Director

Dr. Vinay Kanetkar, Associate Professor in the Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies, is CIRCLE’s new director from July 1, 2023. Read about Kanetkar's research here.

Dr. Sharada Srinivasan was the inaugural Director from March 2020 to June 2023.








Dr. Shivajan Sivapalan: Culturally appropriate mental health services for racialized immigrant families

As a tutor and music teacher for underprivileged youth in Scarborough, in the final year of his undergraduate studies in Toronto, Dr. Shivajan Sivapalan met many families— and was shocked to learn they were often misguided or ill-informed about mental health. Dr. Sivapalan met a child on the Autism spectrum, who was of Indian background. “The family wasn’t sure what Autism was or meant . . . The mother had never heard the word before. And the worst part was that she felt it was her fault that her child was on the spectrum.” This was a life-changing encounter for Dr.

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