
This page contains a list of upcoming opportunities that may be relevant to CIRCLE members, including employment, funding, and opportunities to contribute to journals and conferences. If you have an opportunity to contribute, please email indiaresearch-l@uoguelph.ca

U of G Opportunities 

CIRCLE Research Fund for U of G Masters Sutdets | Deadline: Monday, 17 March 2025.

Student Internship | IFAD Guelph internship for U of G graduate or upper year undergraduate student | International Fund for Agricultural Development | Deadline: Friday, 3 January 2025

Scholarship | Lambda Foundation Scholarship in 2SLGBTQIA+ Studies—one undergraduate and one graduate award | College of Arts, U of G | Deadline: Wednesday, 15 January 2024

Employment Opportunities

Tenure Track Position | Assistant Professor, Introductory Sociology | Faculty of Arts, TMU | Deadline: Monday, 16 December 2024

Funding Opportunities (Fellowships, grants, etc.)

Call for Papers | The Self-Improvement Boom: Of Aspiration, Affective Labour and South Asian Futures | European Conference for South Asian Studies | Deadline: Thursday, 30 January 2025

Fellowship Program | Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program | Jacobs Foundation | Deadline: Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Other opportunities (Calls for abstracts, submissions, etc.)

Field School | Nepal Field School - Culture and Sustainable Development | Centre for International Programs, U of G | Deadline: Friday, 31 January 2025