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Harnaaz Kaur Grewal: Empowering South Asian women, one cup of chaa at a time

The practice of sharing tea cuts across cultural and temporal lines. As a platform for social connection, chaa (Punjabi for ‘tea’) brings people together to soothe difficult conversations, celebrate milestones and share good news. This ubiquitous drink is the inspiration behind Chaa da Cup, a research project by Harnaaz (Naaz) Kaur Grewal-Greeno, MSW, B.Sc.

Dr. Shivajan Sivapalan: Culturally appropriate mental health services for racialized immigrant families

As a tutor and music teacher for underprivileged youth in Scarborough, in the final year of his undergraduate studies in Toronto, Dr. Shivajan Sivapalan met many families— and was shocked to learn they were often misguided or ill-informed about mental health. Dr. Sivapalan met a child on the Autism spectrum, who was of Indian background. “The family wasn’t sure what Autism was or meant . . . The mother had never heard the word before. And the worst part was that she felt it was her fault that her child was on the spectrum.” This was a life-changing encounter for Dr.

Naresh Thevathasan: Mobilizing science and improving lives through mentorship

In the 1990s, while other agricultural scientists in Ontario were mostly planting crops in their research plots, agroforestry pioneers Andy Gordon and Naresh Thevathasan were instead planting trees—and turning heads.

Naresh and Andy at the Ontario Agricultural College were working to give producers a long-term income prospect and environmentally friendly alternative to monocultures, by intercropping lucrative hardwoods among rows of cash crops.

Gwen Chapman: The importance of India in internationalization and global engagement at the University of Guelph

In the post-pandemic world, international engagement and research collaboration may look quite different than in the past. We’ve learned how easy it can be to communicate with colleagues around the world in real time, without needing to travel. Well-attended international webinars, guest lectures by non-Canadian speakers, and virtual annual lectureships have prevailed.

So, can CIRCLE be a hub for such future research endeavours at Guelph?

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