Call for Graduate Student Steering Committee Members

Posted on Wednesday, September 25th, 2024

CIRCLE is seeking two (2) graduate student representatives to join its Steering Committee for a duration of 2 years, with the possibility of renewal for an additional term. The Steering Committee advises and oversees the programmatic aspects of CIRCLE (more details below) and meets once in a term. Being part of the SC requires a commitment of about 3-4 hours in a term involving attending meetings and providing input via emails. Visit our website to learn more about CIRCLE. 

Being part of the CIRCLE Steering Committee, will enable students to participate in planning and executing activities, and interact with a diverse group of stakeholders beyond the University. Graduate student members also have the opportunity to lead specific activities for which they will be remunerated. Being part of the CIRCLE SC will enhance visibility within the academic and professional communities, contribute to professional development, communication, organization, and leadership skills.

Interested students should be currently enrolled in a full-time graduate program (Masters or PhD) across the University. Students do not have to self-identify as Indian or south Asian to be a member of the SC but will have to demonstrate current, past or future research and/or passion for India and South Asia related research. 

Graduate Students interested in serving on the Committee are invited to submit: 

  • CV
  • A 250-word statement on (1) activities for 2024-27 that CIRCLE can undertake to engage students (2) how they propose to be a champion of CIRCLE among students at the University of Guelph

Please email the application to by Monday, October 7, 2024. For further information or queries, please reach out to

CIRCLE governance
CIRCLE is headed by a director who is supported in their activities by an Advisory Committee (AC) and a Steering Committee (SC). 

The Steering Committee is composed of:

  • CIRCLE Director 
  • One faculty representative from each of U of G’s seven colleges 
  • 2-3 graduate students
  • 2-3 community members
  • CIRCLE Coordinator
  • Responsible College’s (currently CSAHS) Associate Dean Research (ADR) or a Dean’s representative

Steering Committee
The CIRCLE Steering Committee supports the Centre in the following ways: 

  • Monitor the resourcing of the Centre activities and Centre-supported faculty initiatives and activities and making the case for additional resources to the Provost and Deans of U of G’s colleges
  • Support the Director in engagements with Alumni Affairs and Development at the college and university levels with regard to fundraising
  • Participate and lead CIRCLE activities in their respective Colleges; participate in CIRCLE sub-committees (for example, Master’s research fund)
  • Review and approve applications by faculty members and students to become Centre Affiliates or Associates 
  • Approve and monitor the Centre’s research plan and external engagement strategy 
  • Consider other issues and matters referred to it by the Director

The Steering Committee meets once per term and communicates virtually in the interim periods. On an average a SC member is likely to spend about 2-3 hours per term for the above activities. SC meetings are chaired by the Director. Decisions are made via consensus where possible, and otherwise by a majority vote. A minimum of five members of the Steering Committee must be present for quorum; the Director and Coordinator are ex-officio, though the former may participate in a deadlocked vote where required. 

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