Rethinking “Untapped” Value: Gender and Predatory Inclusion in India and Beyond
Date and Time
Virtually via Zoom.

Smitha Radhakrishnan, Luella LaMer Professor of Women’s Studies and Professor of Sociology, Wellesley College.
The hybrid seminar will examine how the Indian microfinance industry leverages “success stories” of women clients to legitimize the unfair terms on which working class women are drawn into India’s microfinance industry.
Professor Radhakrishnan is author of Making Women Pay: Microfinance in Urban India (Duke University Press 2022) and Appropriately Indian: Gender and Culture in a Transnational Class (Duke University Press 2011).
Presented by: Canada India Research Centre for Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), Department of Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN), and Guelph Institute of Development Studies (GIDS)
Event Recording
Rethinking Untapped Value Transcript
Captioning and transcription by: Aadhyashree Pant, Capacity Development & Extension