Economy in India 2047
Date and Time

Tuesday, 23 November 2021, 8:30-10:00 PM IST / 10:00-11:30 AM EST
This session will lay out a vision for a just, sustainable, and inclusive India in 2047. Speakers will reflect on the journey in the next 25 years towards that vision examining the economy, agriculture and rural development, and the pressing challenges of poverty, inequality, and unemployment. Part of the India 2047 Speaker Series.

Amitabh Behar, Chief Executive Officer, Oxfam India
India 2047: Just, Sustainable and Equal Future
Amitabh Behar is dedicated to promoting stronger governance and civil society in India and globally. He is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Oxfam India and the President of Yuva. He sits on the boards of several organizations, including the Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability, Navsarjan, Mobile crèche, and CIVICUS. Amitabh has also served as the Executive Director of the National Centre of Advocacy Studies and of the National India Foundation as well as the Convener of National Social Watch Coalition and the Co-chair of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty. He has authored and co-authored journal articles, book chapters and opinion pieces that shed light on important trends that are contributing to the weakening of democratic processes and nonprofit organizations and that identify opportunities to strengthen these pillars of society.

Sudha Narayanan, Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute
The Future of Farming in India
Sudha Narayanan is passionate about agriculture, food and nutrition policy, and human development in India. She is a Research Fellow with the South Asia Regional Office of the International Food Policy Research Institute. She is currently focused on researching agricultural technology adoption, food security and employment policy, contract farming, and linkages between agriculture and nutrition. Sudha has been an Associate Professor at the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research. She has also worked with the Institute of Economic Growth and the Right to Food Campaign. She has written several academic articles, book chapters, and books.

Yamini Aiyar, President and Chief Executive, Centre for Policy Research
Can India find a path to inclusive economic growth?
Yamini Aiyar works in the areas of public finance, social policy, state capacity, federalism and contemporary politics in India. She is the President and Chief Executive of the Centre for Policy Research (CPR) in New Delhi, India. In 2008, as a senior research fellow at the CPR, Yamini founded the Accountability Initiative, which promotes research and innovation to enhance civil society engagement and accountability in Indian governance. She serves on several national and international policy committees as well as on the boards of a number of nonprofit organizations and think tanks. Yamini has previously worked with the World Bank and the Ford Foundation. She has authored a wide range of works in academic publications and mainstream media focused on current affairs and policy.

Arjan de Haan, Senior Program Specialist, Sustainable Inclusive Economies, IDRC, Ottawa
Arjan de Haan is Senior Program Specialist at Canada’s International Development Research Centre, based in Ottawa. His current work focuses on supporting southern-based research to integrated climate and gender equity considerations into policy analysis, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and for sustained recoveries and transitions to low-carbon economies. He previously led the IDRC GrOW project on women's economic empowerment (see the recent book), and published and taught on social policy in development contexts, labour migration, social inequalities, and the 'aid industry'.
Presented by the Canada India Research Centre for Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), with support from:
- College of Social and Applied Human Sciences (CSAHS)
- Guelph Institute of Development Studies (GIDS)
- Guelph Institute for Environmental Research (GIER)
- International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation (IICSI)
- Office of International Strategy and Partnerships
- One Health Institute
- Ontario Veterinary College (OVC)
Event Recording
Economy in India 2047 Transcript
Captioning and transcription by Dilshan Fernando (PhD candidate, Sociology and International Development), Areej Amer (Undergraduate student, Arts and Sciences program), and Tatum Curtis (Undergraduate student, Criminal Justice and Public Policy program).